


"I was at a crossroads in my career, and Camilla provided expert coaching and mentorship. We put a a plan in place, and the next year I won a national award."

[ E., Indiana ]

Camilla was a life saver for our family. We were hit with some things with our adopted children as early teens that were beyond our knowledge to navigate. Camilla took so much time to listen and come up with strategies for us as parents as well as for our kids. She was able to craft responses to our kid's teachers related to various situations that helped increase understanding for the teachers. That helped us to view the teachers as partners and not adversaries. She is insightful, wise and practical. What Camilla possesses and is able to share related to trauma and the effects on the brain and how healing is possible is something so many of us need.

[ S., Pennyslvania ]

[ L., Indiana]

[ J., Pennyslvania]

[ S., Pennyslvania ]

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